Shades of Grey Presentation Spring/Summer 2014
Thiis is always the first show I attend in New York!
Though, usually, fashion week is officially started on Sept.5, but Shades of Grey is always
one day ahead !
The Casting is way too amazing!
但Shades of Grey總是悄悄提前一天展開
九月的第一場 一開始就令人驚艷不已
Casting絕佳, 衣服也極有看頭

This is why I love presentation more than runway shows.
You can not only interact with models but also casually chat with staff with a cup of champagne :)

At the same time, presentation is much more tiring than a ordinary runway show.
Literally, models have to stand for more than one hour to present the clothes they wear.
但同時, presentation也是比一般走秀要辛苦許多! Models們一站就是一小時!
儘管可以稍為的坐下活動一下筋骨 但畢竟站台秀 還是很累人的!
去年此時的Shades of Grey也同樣令人激賞

Yea, I agree.